Professor Hsy tweets @Jonathan Hsy |
With any of the Twitter handles listed below, you can click right through and follow your professors if you choose. As more faculty are on Twitter, we'll update this post, so check back later. See you in virtual space!
With a medieval Grumpy Cat avatar-persona, Professor Jonathan Hsy tweets @JonathanHsy. Follow this twitter feed if you're interested in linguistics, diversity in and outside the academy, disability history, digital humanities, and nerdy medieval things. Professor Hsy has also blogged about the use of twitter at academic conferences; the blog post accessible here, which is from "In The Middle" (where he co-blogs alongside Professor Jeffrey Cohen and others), addresses medieval studies but extends to twitter usage in other domains.
Professor McRuer tweets @RobertMcRuer |
Professor Jeffrey Cohen, with reflections on medieval studies, the future of the university, digital humanities, pedagogy, fossils, history, ecocriticism, and silly thoughts in general, can be found @jeffreyjcohen.
Professor Gayle Wald (@gaylewald) doesn't tweet very often, but when she does it's usually about academic conferences, noteworthy books she's read, and current events.
Professor Daniel DeWispelare (@periphrast) tweets sporadically about upcoming DC-area events, literacy, theory, philosophy, and contemporary fiction.
Professor Holly Dugan tweets @trickyholly about Shakespeare, the senses, and early modern literature and history (as well as the occasional tweet about baseball, knitting, and perfume).
Professor Dugan tweets @trickyholly |
Professor Dan Moshenberg tweets @danwibg, focusing on women in and beyond the global prison, household, city, information networks.
Professor Maria Frawley tweets @janeaustenandme. Her tweets explore a range of professional and personal interests connected to Honors education, nineteenth century print culture, and environmental issues.
Professor David Mitchell tweets @dtmitchel. Many of his tweets are related to disability experience, crip/queer cultures, and disability studies.
Professor Margaret Soltan isn't on Twitter, but you can find her thoughts on university life and a range of other topics on her blog here.
PhD candidate Lori Brister tweets @LoriBrister. Lori tweets about Victorian literature, tourism, and the Digital Humanities.
PhD candidate and Graduate Assistant D. Gilson tweets and Instagrams @dgilson. Most of his posts are about contemporary poetry and creative nonfiction; hipster and gay culture; and frustrations with the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority.
PhD candidate and Graduate Assistant Maia Gil'Adi tweets @maiagiladi. Many of her tweets are connected to teaching experiences, remote-work updates with her writing group, and the digital humanities.
PhD candidate and Graduate Assistant Molly Lewis (@maebemollyfunke) tweets about a myriad of things, including but not limited to the topics of medieval literature, medieval and modern race, feminism, digital humanities, academia, popular culture, and encounters with life in DC. She also live-tweets various academic talks and conferences.
Ph.D candidate and Graduate Assistant M.W. Bychowski tweets @Transliterature and blogs here. Her blog, Things Transform, focuses on transgender, queerness, disability, and medieval studies.
PhD candidate and Graduate Assistant Haylie Swenson tweets (infrequently!) @haylieswenson. She also blogs about animal studies, ecologies, and medieval literature and art here.
And of course you can always follow GW English directly here. A new Communications Liaison will have that Twitter account moving again very soon. Tweet at us and let us know how your classes are going!
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